Wednesday, November 01, 2006

This shit is... well, just plain shit, frankly.

From most improved to most deteriorated...

and the weiner is...

Now, the comparison to Fergie has been made elsewhere perfectly well, but it is totally apt so I will repeat it: GWEN STEFANI'S NEW SINGLE SOUNDS LIKE FERGIE ON A VERY BAD DAY. Indeed, I really didn't think I'd hear a worse song than 'London Bridge' (which is allegedly about group sex) this year, but 'Wind It Up' has roughly the appeal of a menage a trois with Emily and Lavina Williams (am I the only one who just realised that they can be referred to as the OTHER Williams sisters?). It makes Madonna's 'American Life' sound credible in comparison.

As, you will hear if you dare to listen, it samples 'The Lonely Goatherd'. As you will hear if you can bear to keep listening, that is very literally the 'best' thing about it. Additionally, she makes reference to wearing clothes from L.A.M.B.

More like 'mutton dressed as L.A.M.B'. We'll evidently be "waiting for [her] hot track" for a while yet.

Take your own advice, love, wind it up.

PS. Does everyone get a fucking doll these days??


Blogger Bedazzler said...

The Neptunes and Gwen...crap? I'm devastated!!! I am dying to hear this...or will I just die when I hear this? :(

12:45 PM  
Blogger Bads33d said...

oh dear.
and i used to like the lonely goatherd so much...

MW, is it 'the OTHER Williams sisters' or 'the Australian Williams sisters'? personally, i like the antipodean version - that way, their public time could be relegated to just the sidelines at the Australian Open.

Or is that just being plain cruel to Melburnians?

2:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it really is fucking dire. i thought i was listening to a Pussycat Dolls B-side...

6:31 PM  
Blogger Bedazzler said...

It's not even craptastic, it's just crap.In point of fact the whole album is so bad. The only decent track is the Nellee Hooper produced "Wonderful Life"...which sounds, mysteriously, like the Tina Cousins track of the same name. The last album was so good in every way. What went wrong? SAD.

3:58 PM  

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