Friday, January 13, 2006

sometimes it's just easier to laugh...

From the SMH (in article about Brokeback Mountain not screening in far north Queensland):

Federal MP Bob Katter, whose Kennedy electorate in north Queensland takes in industries such as sugar cane, cattle, sheep and dairy farming, was unconcerned.
"Maybe there are some (gay cowboys) out there but I've never heard of 'em," he said.
"I mean, it's not a profession that attracts those sort of people."

Really, what else can you do but have a chuckle?

And by the way, why has not one single article mentioned Heath Ledger's previous gay role, as Snowy the cyclist in the short-lived TV drama Sweat (set at the Australian institute of Sport). I used to watch it semi-religiously (to almost quote Ghost World). Snowy was HOT.

After rewatching 10 Things I Hate About You (which is good, almost Clueless good) I've decided I like my Heath blonde. Just like Snowy.

In unrelated news, I just got season 3 of The Golden Girls. There are gonna be some late nights in my house.


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