Thursday, June 29, 2006

Unexpectedly good pop songs

In fact, the theme of winter seems to be unexpectedly good pop songs. As well as Xtina and Paris, I've gotta add Jessica Simpson to the list.

Admittedly, it's not the first time Jess and I have seen eye to eye, as I totally hearted 'With You', but nonetheless I'm a bit shocked to be enjoying the amusingly named ‘A Public Affair' so much. Sadly it isn't about cheating on Nick, being about an 'affair' as in an event and generally being of the 'let's party' theme, but someone in Jess HQ surely saw the song title and thought it might invite a bit of curiosity. In keeping with the party theme, the song owes more than a little to Madonna’s ‘Holiday’. To be exact it sounds like 'Holiday' as performed live, with the percussion brought forward in the mix (listen to it and see for yourself). Apparently Madge is none too phased. Her rep Liz Rosenberg is confident the song is “no doubt a loving tribute/homage/shout-out from Jessica to Madonna".

Meanwhile, Nelly Furtado’s new album Loose looks like a winner start to finish, if the three tracks I’ve heard are any indication (and the reviews suggest they are). If you’ve heard her new single ‘Promiscuous’, look forward to ‘Maneater’ (the album’s first UK release), because it’s an even better song, a thumping pop anthem with a slightly more even balance between Timbaland style hip-hop production and Nelly’s more familiar folk-pop stylings. The track 'No Hay Igual', which for some reason was pre-released on Australian itunes some weeks ago, is another gem.

Update: The Josh Desi remix of 'Promiscuous' is especially good.


Blogger War said...

Hmmm...well Nelly's album is good. Why is Jessica going so Euro style? It's a good thing in any case. XXX

2:12 PM  
Blogger Bedazzler said...

Nelly's album debuted at number one in the states yesterday.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Lumpen said...

Agreed. Suprisingly good. It reminds me of this story I heard from the UK, about a audio pitch that only teenagers can hear because of their undamaged ears. This is like the gay version of that.

8:51 PM  
Blogger weasel said...

Lumpen - do you mean Nelly or Jessica?

3:15 PM  

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