Saturday, August 05, 2006

Overheard at the Midnight Shift...

Firstly, this is the only pic I could find of David and Sherif online, so don't mind the lame 'marry me' bit, OK?

I was but metres away from these men last night at the Midnight Shift nightclub and overheard Sherif say to David:

"It would be so much easier if you spoke any French or Arabic..."

Trouble in paradise?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my?

did you speak to them at all?

6:16 PM  
Blogger weasel said...

No I studiously avoided any eye contact even.

I was impressed at myself for not hurling abuse. And for not looking to see how big David's wang was when he was at the urinal... although I guess if I wanted to know that I would have watched 'Adults Only'...

4:37 AM  
Blogger Taylor said...

yes, he should return to the organic apple farm from whence he came. SWINE.

but that's HILARIOUS. trouble in paradise indeed. when the glitter and gretel have faded, what remains but two men clinging to their celebrity and to each other for dear life?

tragedy. a real tragedy.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you fukn wankers!!! I am on my farm have been shearing and marking lambs all week, on top of feeding the drought stricken wooly goats!!! so get fukd...the only thing we are hanging onto is a dream of being together forever on this farm!!

Sherif said the comment cause he was annoyed that so much of what we say gets listened to by tossers like you bitchy queens...

we did a hell of a lot and are still doing work to break down prejudice so gay people get equal rights eventually and stop being bashed and vilified in the mean time.

Stop pulling us down, and do something have a conversation of your own...maybe even be nice to someone

6:29 PM  
Blogger Bedazzler said...

heh heh..googling yourself again...*sigh*

1:22 PM  
Blogger weasel said...

I'm going to assume that's some wannabe pretending to be David... the only thing lamer could be if the real one gave a shit what my blog had to say.


2:36 PM  
Blogger Bedazzler said...

Clearly, there's not much to do on the apple farm except google yourself...

12:31 PM  

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